Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tune in and Sign Up!

Tune in the hear the Christian Education Commentary!

In addition to the states already receiving the Christian Education Commentary, we are now sending it to Christian radio stations in New Jersey, New York, Texas, Colorado, California, Oregon, and Washington. Ask your local Christian radio station to carry these very informative and important Christian Education Commentaries. They can contact Deborah Hamilton at dhamilton@HamiltonStrategies.com or 610-584-1096.

The weekly Christian Education Commentary is currently carried on the following stations:

DelawareWHXL-FM (Wilmington)
WJBR-FM (Wilmington)
WXHL (Wilmington)

MarylandWRBS-AM (Baltimore)
WRBS-FM (Baltimore)
WICO-FM (Salisbury)
WCRH-FM (Williamsport)

New JerseyWAWZ
WIBG-AM (Ocean City)
WJPH-FM (Woodbine

New YorkWIHR-FM (Jamestown)

PennsylvaniaWJCS-FM (Allentown)
WHJB-AM (Bedford)
WPGM-FM (Danville)
WDBA-FM (Dubois)
WPIC-AM (Hermitage)
WJSA-FM (Jersey Shore)
WJTL (Lancaster)
WPEL-FM (Montrose)
WPLC-FM (Northern Cambria)
WBEN (Philadelphia)
WFIL (Philadelphia)
WRIJ-FM (Pittsburgh)
WBYN-FM (Reading)
WBYO-FM (Sellersville)
WTMV (Youngsville)

Christian Education Commentary
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Click on the link to subscribe and then you won’t miss a single “issue” of the Christian Education Commentary (usually released on Monday of each week).

Christian Education Commentary-Main PageChristian Education Commentary-Archives
Christian Education Commentary-Podcast or RSS

Check it out-and let us know what you think! Click here to leave a comment!

Pass the Word!
Also-please encourage your school families to subscribe to the email versions of the weekly Christian Education Commentary and the e-Connect with DiscoverChristianSchools.com newsletter. Click here to be added to the email list!

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