Monday, April 13, 2009

Do Not Exasperate

Today's Christian Education Commentarywith Harold Naylor

The book of Ephesians instructs fathers to “not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Parenting and teaching is a big responsibility for dads, and moms, of course. Not only must we not frustrate our children, but we are to train them for God’s service.

Training involves shaping the will through discipline.

Instruction is shaping the mind through teaching.

When we partner with the right school, our children get consistent training and instruction that points them to Christ.

However, if we partner with a school that teaches that our child is the center of his or her universe, we not only frustrate the process of Biblical training, but we can cause great frustration in our kids when we try to get them back on track.

Choosing Christian education for your child can make the difference between spiritual life and spiritual death for our children. A Christian school experience can be one part you play to bring up your children in the training and instruction of the Lord.

We can help you find a Christian school and fulfill the directive we have been assigned as Christian parents. - Where Christian education is priceless!

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